Personally, I could not understand the essence of the phenomenon for a very long time due to the lack of a description in an understandable language for ordinary citizens. But when I figured it out, I realized that I could explain it “on the fly” for people who come across computer network terms in everyday life and don’t understand what they’re talking about.
Watch your fingers.
Device IP address. The essence is a network device that can receive and transmit information. An analogy is an object that wants to receive and send parcels.
Protocol. Method of transmitting information. Parcels can be sent by sea, plane, car, pipeline. Those. use different protocols.
Learn more about protocols. For example, the common IP protocol. This means by sea. The ship with the parcel must arrive at one of the destination ports. The addressee has 65535 ports. When the addressee receives (or does not receive) the parcel, the ship will sail with a response to the sending IP address to the port from which it carried the parcel, with information whether the addressee received the parcel or not.

The UDP protocol is all the same, but the ship does not sail back.
Parcels refused by the recipient are thrown into the sea.
Each of the protocols is a whole and fascinating world. But this article is not about that.
That’s the whole point. You just need to use analogies to understand what is said here. And then you can improve in this direction ad infinitum. I hope I have given the key to understanding computer networks.