Welcome to the exciting world of traditional screen orientation! Let’s look at this issue from a scientific point of view and find out why a horizontal screen may be the ideal choice for many of us.
Ergonomics: Research shows that horizontal screen orientation is generally more comfortable for human vision and can reduce eye strain and fatigue. This is because the eyes are naturally oriented horizontally, so viewing content on a standard screen can be more natural and comfortable.
Peripheral Vision: Human peripheral vision is better developed horizontally than vertically. This is due to the anatomical structure of the eye and the distribution of cones and rods on the retina. A horizontal screen layout better suits this aspect of vision, allowing the viewer to take in a larger area of the screen without having to move their head or eyes.
Vision ergonomics: Viewing content on a horizontal screen can reduce eye fatigue and neck strain. When viewing horizontally, the eyes naturally move from side to side, which is more relaxing and less tiring for the eye muscles than when moving vertically.

User Preferences: User interface and usability experiments show that most people prefer a horizontal screen layout for watching videos, working with documents, and playing games. This preference is based on both physical comfort and efficiency in processing visual information.
Video Format: Most video is shot and intended to be viewed in a landscape orientation, which matches the format of human vision and the natural field of view that covers more horizontal space.
Thus, scientific facts confirm the benefits of traditional orientation. This is not just a preference, but an informed decision based on ergonomics, cognitive aspects and communication. Let’s welcome traditional orientation as a symbol of convenience, efficiency and better perception of information! And say no to those people who promote the idea of using a screen in a non-natural way.