
A manual for a computer science teacher

7th grade, 3rd quarter (8 lessons)


  1. Web Development: Advanced study of HTML and CSS, creating complex web pages with stylesheets, introduction to JavaScript basics.
  2. Programming: creating projects using cycles, functions, arrays, working with input and output data.
  3. Multimedia projects: creating video projects, working with graphics and sound, editing video and audio.

Lesson 1: Web Development – Advanced HTML

To teach how to create more complex web pages using HTML and CSS.

Lesson plan:

  1. HTML and CSS review (10 min).
    • A quick refresher on the basic elements of HTML and CSS, and a discussion of web page structure.
  2. Creating a web page using complex elements (15 min).
    • Adding headings, lists, tables and other structural elements.
  3. Practical work (20 min).
    • Create a simple web page with a table, lists and CSS formatting.

Design a web page using structural elements and style sheets for design.

Lesson 2: Advanced CSS and Styling Web Pages

To teach advanced use of CSS for styling web pages.

Lesson plan:

  1. CSS Review (10 min).
    • Basics of selectors and applying styles.
  2. Creating complex styles (15 min).
    • Using pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements and complex selectors to style a web page.
  3. Practical work (20 min).
    • Developing a web page using complex styles for different elements.

Complete the web page design using advanced styles.

Lesson 3: JavaScript Basics for Dynamics on Web Pages

To introduce students to the basics of JavaScript and how to use it to add dynamic elements to web pages.

Lesson plan:

  1. What is JavaScript and why is it needed (10 min).
    • An explanation of the basic concepts and purposes of using JavaScript on web pages.
  2. Basics of JavaScript Syntax (15 min).
    • Introduction of variables, conditions, cycles, creation of a simple script for interaction with the user.
  3. Practical work (20 min).
    • Adding a script to a web page to interact with elements (for example, a button that changes the text on the page).

Add a simple JavaScript script to a web page for dynamic interaction.

Lesson 4: Creating a Project – Interactive Web Page

Apply knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create a fully interactive web page.

Lesson plan:

  1. Discussion of the project structure (10 min).
    • Analysis of the main components of an interactive web page: headings, text, styles, interactive elements (e.g. buttons).
  2. Working on the project (25 min).
    • Students create a web page with interactive elements such as buttons, dynamic lists, and content that changes when clicked.

Complete the interactive web page and prepare it for presentation.

Lesson 5: Programming – Working with Arrays and Loops

To teach how to create programs using arrays and loops to process data.

Lesson plan:

  1. Repeating arrays and loops (10 min).
    • An explanation of working with arrays, their creation and use for storing data.
  2. Example of a program with arrays (15 min).
    • Developing a program for processing an array of data, for example, calculating the average value of numbers in an array.
  3. Practical work (20 min).
    • Writing a program using arrays and loops to work with user data.

Create a program that uses arrays to solve a practical problem (for example, calculating students’ grades).

Lesson 6: Working with Input and Output Data

To teach students to create programs that interact with the user through input and output.

Lesson plan:

  1. Introduction to data input and output (10 min).
    • Examples of programs that accept data from the user via text fields or the console.
  2. Example of the program (15 min).
    • Develop a program that accepts input from the user and outputs results (e.g. a calculator).
  3. Practical work (20 min).
    • Writing a program that takes input from the user (such as their name and age) and outputs a result (a welcome message or an age calculation in 10 years).

Complete a program to work with user input and output.

Lesson 7: Multimedia Projects – Introduction to Video Editing

To teach the basics of working with multimedia files, including video and audio editing.

Lesson plan:

  1. Overview of tools for working with multimedia (10 min.).
    • Presentation of programs for video editing and working with graphics (for example, Windows Movie Maker, Audacity).
  2. Practical work: creating a simple video project (20 min).
    • Import video and audio files, cut, add sound, overlay effects and transitions.
  3. The final part (10 min).
    • Presentation of finished multimedia projects.

Finish editing the video and prepare it for showing in the next lesson.

Lesson 8: Presentation of multimedia projects and final work

To consolidate knowledge of multimedia technologies and give students the opportunity to present their projects.

Lesson plan:

  1. Presentation of video projects (25 min).
    • Students show their multimedia projects to the class and explain the stages of creation.
  2. Discussion and feedback (15 min).
    • The teacher and students discuss projects, share impressions and give feedback.

Prepare a brief description of the process of creating a multimedia project (stages of work, difficulties and solutions).