
A manual for a computer science teacher

5th grade, 1st quarter (8 lessons)

Topics :

  1. Review of the basics of working with a computer and operating system (file system structure, managing folders and files).
  2. Working with text editors (creating complex documents, using styles and formatting, inserting tables and images).
  3. Introduction to logic and algorithms (what are algorithms, examples of algorithmic actions: pseudocode, flowcharts).

Lesson 1: Review of the basics of working with a computer and operating system

To review and deepen students’ understanding of the basic elements of a computer, the operating system, and the file system (folder structure, creating and managing files).

Lesson plan:

  1. Introduction and setting objectives for the lesson (5 min).
    • Discussion: What is an operating system? How do you organize files on a computer?
    • Review: what are files, folders, disks.
  2. File system structure (15 min).
    • Explanation: folder structure, how the file system is structured using a local disk as an example.
    • Practice: Students create and delete folders, move files between folders.
  3. Exercise: Organizing files (10 min).
    • Assignment: Students create a folder structure to store educational materials (e.g., “Computer Science,” “Projects,” “Homework”).
  4. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “Why do we need a folder structure? How do we manage files?”

Create a folder structure on your home computer and move your personal files there.

Lesson 2: Managing Files and Folders

To teach students to effectively manage files and folders (copy, move, delete, rename).

Lesson plan:

  1. Review of the material from the previous lesson (5 min.).
    • Questions: “How to create a folder? What does the file system look like?”
  2. File management practice (15 min).
    • Explanation: what is copying, moving, renaming files.
    • Demonstration: How to copy and move files between folders.
    • Practice: Students complete tasks on moving files between created folders, copying and renaming files.
  3. Working with files of different types (10 min).
    • Students create a text file, an image, and move them into different folders.
  4. Game “File puzzle” (10 min).
    • Students are asked to follow instructions to move files and folders, arranging them in a specific order.
  5. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “What is the difference between copying and moving? How to rename a file?”

Organize folders for your school files on your home computer.

Lesson 3: Working with text editors – basic functions

To become familiar with text editors and their basic functions (creating documents, formatting text).

Lesson plan:

  1. Introduction to text editors (5 min).
    • Questions: “Do you know any programs for working with texts?”
  2. Creating and editing a document (15 min).
    • Demonstration: how to create a new document in a text editor.
    • Explanation: how to type text, save a file, and reopen it.
    • Practice: Students create a document with simple text (for example, a description of their hobby).
  3. Text formatting (10 min).
    • Explanation: what is text formatting (font, size, color).
    • Practice: Students format their text (change font, add headings).
  4. Game “Text design” (10 min).
    • Students are given a text and an assignment to format it (heading in bold, italic, etc.).
  5. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “What text editor functions did you use?”

Create and format a text document at home using basic formatting functions.

Lesson 4: Using Styles and Formatting Complex Documents

To teach students to use styles and complex formatting functions in text editors (paragraphs, lists, headings).

Lesson plan:

  1. Review of the material from the previous lesson (5 min.).
    • Questions: “How to change the text font? How to save a document?”
  2. Working with styles (15 min).
    • Explanation: What styles are and how they help you organize your document.
    • Demonstration: Creating headings, subheadings, sections using styles.
    • Practice: Students create a document with headings and subheadings.
  3. Working with lists and paragraphs (10 min).
    • Explanation: How to create numbered and bulleted lists.
    • Practice: adding lists and paragraphs to text.
  4. Game “Text design with styles” (10 min).
    • Students are given assignments to format text using headings, lists, and paragraphs.
  5. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “What are styles? How do they help organize text?”

Create a document at home with headings, lists, and formatting.

Lesson 5: Inserting tables and images into text documents

To teach students to insert tables and images into text documents.

Lesson plan:

  1. Review of the material from the previous lesson (5 min.).
    • Questions: “How to format text using styles?”
  2. Inserting tables (10 min).
    • Explanation: how to create a table, add rows and columns, format a table.
    • Practice: Students create a table in a document (e.g. a class schedule).
  3. Inserting images (10 min).
    • Explanation: how to insert an image, change its size and position.
    • Practice: inserting an image into a document and formatting it.
  4. Task to create a document (10 min).
    • Students create a document with a table and an image (e.g. a project plan with an illustration).
  5. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “What are tables in text for? How do I insert an image?”

Create a document with a table and insert a picture at home.

Lesson 6: Introduction to Logic and Algorithms

To introduce students to the basic concepts of logic and algorithms, to explain what algorithms are.

Lesson plan:

  1. Introduction to logic (10 min).
    • Explanation: what is logic, why is it needed in computer science.
    • Examples of logical operations: “and”, “or”, “not”.
  2. What are algorithms (10 min).
    • Explanation: An algorithm is a sequence of steps for solving a problem.
    • An example of a simple algorithm (for example, how to make a sandwich).
  3. Practice: creating simple algorithms (15 min).
    • Students create algorithms for everyday tasks (for example, how to brush your teeth or how to do exercises).
  4. Game “Build an algorithm” (10 min).
    • Students receive a problem and construct a solution algorithm in the form of step-by-step instructions.
  5. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “What is an algorithm? What is it for?”

Come up with an algorithm for completing your homework.

Lesson 7: Pseudocode and Flowcharts

To introduce students to pseudocode and flowcharts as a way of describing algorithms.

Lesson plan:

  1. Review of the material from the previous lesson (5 min.).
    • Questions: “What is an algorithm?”
  2. Introduction to pseudocode (10 min).
    • Explanation: Pseudocode is a textual description of an algorithm.
    • Pseudocode examples for simple tasks (eg opening a door).
  3. Creating flowcharts (10 min).
    • Explained: How flowcharts help visualize algorithms.
    • Example: flow chart of tea making algorithm.
  4. Practice: creating a flowchart (15 min).
    • Students draw flow charts for simple tasks.
  5. Reflection and summing up (5 min).
    • Questions: “What is the difference between pseudocode and a flowchart?”

Create pseudocode for a problem of your choice and draw a flowchart for it.

Lesson 8: Practical application of knowledge

To consolidate the topics covered through practical assignments on text editors and algorithms.

Lesson plan:

  1. Review of the material covered (10 min).
    • Questions: “What have we learned about text editors and algorithms?”
  2. Practical work (25 min).
    • Students create a document in a text editor, insert a table, an image, and apply styles.
    • They then create an algorithm to solve the learning problem and draw a flow chart.
  3. Final reflection (10 min).
    • Questions: “What was the most interesting thing about these lessons? How will you apply this knowledge in the future?”


This manual is designed for 8 lessons that will help 5th grade students strengthen their basic knowledge of computers and operating systems, learn how to work with text editors, and begin studying logic and algorithms.