
1st grade (by quarters)

Methodological manuals for the computer science teacher of the 1st grade

Taking into account the age characteristics of first-graders and their readiness to perceive information, we can generally suggest introducing lessons on information technology using game and interactive approaches. I would suggest the following breakdown:

1st grade (by quarters)

1st quarter (September-October):

  • 4-6 lessons (one lesson every two weeks).
  • Topics: basic familiarization with computers (computer parts, what a monitor, keyboard, mouse is), simple safety rules when working with technology.

2nd quarter (November-December):

  • 5-6 lessons (one lesson per week).
  • Topics: developing skills in working with simple programs (drawing in a graphics editor, working with basic interactive tasks), continuing to study the basics of working with devices.

3rd quarter (January-March):

  • 6-8 lessons (one lesson per week).
  • Topics: introduction to the basics of working with text (typing letters, simple words), completing logical tasks on a computer (simplified algorithms), safe behavior on the Internet (basic rules).

4th quarter (April-May):

  • 6-7 lessons (one lesson per week).
  • Topics: reviewing and reinforcing skills in working with programs, completing the study of basic computer concepts, creating simple projects (for example, drawings or short stories using graphic editors).


During the year, you can offer about 20-27 lessons , evenly distributed across quarters, with a gradual increase in complexity and computer time. This approach will give children the opportunity to gradually develop their IT skills without overloading them.