
6th grade (by quarters)

Methodological manuals for the 6th grade computer science teacher

In the 6th grade, the study of computer science continues to deepen. At this stage, students are introduced to more advanced aspects of programming, Internet technologies, working with data, and expand their cybersecurity skills. The main focus is on the practical application of knowledge in projects.

6th grade (by quarters)

1st quarter (September-October):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Review of the basics: file system, working with the operating system and different types of files (text, graphic, audio, video).
    • Advanced work with text editors: working with tables within the text, using footnotes, content, styles and document layouts.
    • Algorithms and their application: repetition of basic concepts of algorithms, construction of more complex flowcharts.

2nd quarter (November-December):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Programming: Introduction to text-based programming languages ​​(such as Python or HTML/CSS) – basic syntax, variables, loops, branching.
    • Working with tables: creating complex formulas, working with data in the context of finance (budgeting, calculations), creating diagrams.
    • Cybersecurity Basics: Internet threats, cyberattacks, security measures when working on the Internet, creating and using complex passwords.

3rd quarter (January-March):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Advanced programming: working with functions, data arrays, creating simple programs and games using basic algorithms.
    • Basics of working with the Internet and web development: creating simple HTML pages, getting to know CSS for designing web pages.
    • Working with multimedia editors: editing images, audio and video, creating multimedia projects.

4th quarter (April-May):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Project creation: development of a collective or individual project (for example, an interactive website, application, multimedia presentation with programming elements).
    • Working with data: basics of data analysis, filtering and sorting data in tables, introduction to basic database functions.
    • Cybersecurity review: protecting personal data, working safely on the Internet, preventing phishing and other threats.


For the 6th grade, 30-32 lessons are planned . The program includes in-depth study of programming, Internet technologies and working with data, and also emphasizes the application of knowledge to create their own projects. Cybersecurity also plays an important role, ensuring conscious and safe use of technology.

5th grade (by quarters)

Methodological manuals for the 5th grade computer science teacher

In the 5th grade, you can move on to a more in-depth study of computer science. This is the time to get acquainted with more complex concepts of programming, working with text, tables and multimedia files, as well as the basics of cybersecurity and Internet technologies. Students begin to actively apply the knowledge they have gained to create their own projects.

5th grade (by quarters)

1st quarter (September-October):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Review of the basics of working with a computer and operating system: file system structure, folder and file management.
    • Working with text editors: creating complex documents, using styles and formatting, inserting tables and images.
    • Introduction to logic and algorithms: what are algorithms, examples of algorithmic actions (pseudocode, flowcharts).

2nd quarter (November-December):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Programming Basics: Familiarity with the basics of text-based programming (e.g. Python or visual programming environments like Scratch but with more complex projects).
    • Working with tables: complex calculations using formulas, creating graphs, sorting and filtering data.
    • Cybersecurity: the basics of data protection, what viruses are, phishing, rules for using complex passwords.

3rd quarter (January-March):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Programming: creating simple programs using conditions, loops, functions and variables (e.g. in Scratch or Python).
    • Working with multimedia files: creating presentations using animation, working with graphic and audio editors.
    • Introduction to Internet technologies: what is a URL, how browsers and search engines work, web page basics.

4th quarter (April-May):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Preparing a mini-project: creating an interactive game, animation or multimedia project using programming.
    • Working with data: introduction to databases, simple data searching and sorting operations, basics of working with tables in the context of databases.
    • Strengthening cybersecurity: preventing Internet threats, phishing, using antivirus programs, safe behavior on social networks.


In the 5th grade , 30-32 lessons are planned , divided into quarters. The main focus is on deepening knowledge of programming, logic, working with multimedia and text files, as well as an introduction to Internet technologies. Students continue to develop algorithmic thinking skills and learn to apply IT to solve practical problems and create their own projects.

4th grade (by quarters)

Methodological manuals for the computer science teacher of the 4th grade

In the 4th grade, you can deepen children’s knowledge in programming, working with data and project activities, and also begin to get acquainted with more complex concepts, such as logic, more detailed work with files and the use of IT to solve applied problems.

4th grade (by quarters)

1st quarter (September-October):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Review of the basics of working with the operating system: managing files and folders, working with different types of data (text, graphics, audio, video).
    • Logic and algorithms: working with logical operations (and/or/not), building flowcharts.
    • Working with text and images: creating documents with formatting, adding images, creating simple presentations.

2nd quarter (November-December):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).

  • Topics :
    • Programming in visual environments (e.g. Scratch): creating programs with branching and loops, adding interactivity to projects.
    • Working with tables: entering and sorting data, constructing diagrams, using simple formulas.
    • Basics of working with Internet resources: searching for information, basic cyber literacy (how to evaluate the reliability of sources, filtering information).

3rd quarter (January-March):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Create mini-projects: interactive stories, games or animations in Scratch using complex logical structures (nested loops, conditions, variables).
    • Working with multimedia files: editing images, working with video, creating audio files.
    • Website creation basics: simplified tools for creating pages (e.g. website builders, blogs).

4th quarter (April-May):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Working with data: basic database concepts, data filtering, creating reports in tables.
    • Preparation of a collective project (for example, an interactive game or a multimedia presentation with elements of programming and design).
    • Review and consolidate what has been covered: discussion of IT-related professions and how IT is used in real life.
    • Discussion of cybersecurity and privacy: how to protect personal data, basic rules of safe behavior on the network.


In the 4th grade , 30-32 lessons are planned , distributed across quarters. The main focus is on the development of logical and algorithmic thinking, working with multimedia and basic data. Students deepen their knowledge of programming, create projects and study how IT can be used to solve practical problems.

3rd grade (by quarters)

Methodological manuals for the computer science teacher of the 3rd grade

In the 3rd grade, children have already mastered basic skills in working with a computer, text, and graphics. At this age, you can deepen their knowledge of programming, add work with data, and gradually prepare them for more complex topics, such as algorithms and the use of IT in everyday life.

3rd grade (by quarters)

1st quarter (September-October):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Reviewing the basics of working with a computer, updating knowledge about files and folders.
    • Advanced work with text: creating short documents, formatting text (bold, italic, changing font).
    • Basics of working with tables: entering data, simple calculations.
    • Simple interactive tasks and games for developing logical thinking.

2nd quarter (November-December):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Introduction to flowcharts and algorithms: representing logical operations in graphical form.
    • Creating simple programs with loops and branching in visual environments (e.g. Scratch).
    • Internet Basics: How to search for information, basics of safe searching and protection from malicious content.

3rd quarter (January-March):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Advanced programming in Scratch: create interactive animations and games using loops, conditions, and events.
    • Working with multimedia files: adding images, audio and video to projects.
    • Developing a mini-project (for example, creating an animation or interactive story).

4th quarter (April-May):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Working with tables: creating simple diagrams, sorting data, simple mathematical operations.
    • Preparing a group project (for example, creating a multimedia presentation or video using various software tools).
    • Discussion of IT related professions and the importance of IT in everyday life.
    • Review of cybersecurity rules: password protection, conscious behavior on the Internet.


For the 3rd grade, 30-32 lessons are planned during the school year. The program gradually becomes more complex, focusing on the development of algorithmic thinking, the basics of programming, working with tables and multimedia files.

2nd grade (by quarters)


Methodological manuals for the 2nd grade computer science teacher

For 2nd grade, learning the basics of working with information technology can already be more structured, since children have basic computer skills. It is important to strengthen these skills by adding simple elements of programming, working with texts, and safe behavior on the Internet.

2nd grade (by quarters)

1st quarter (September-October):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Review of the basics of working with a computer (operating system interface, launching programs).
    • Working with text (typing words, editing text, saving and opening files).
    • Logical games and tasks that develop algorithmic thinking (basics of sequences).

2nd quarter (November-December):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Introduction to algorithms: creating simple instructions (e.g. in visual environments such as Scratch).
    • Working with graphics: creating simple images and saving them.
    • Internet Security Basics (Why It’s Important to Protect Your Personal Data).

3rd quarter (January-March):

  • 8 lessons (2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Programming: creating simple interactive projects (using visual programming as an example, such as Scratch Junior).
    • Working with email (if applicable): how to send a letter, basic correspondence etiquette.
    • Continuing to work with texts and graphics.

4th quarter (April-May):

  • 7-8 lessons (1-2 lessons per week).
  • Topics :
    • Deepening into working with files (different types of files: text, graphic, audio).
    • Preparing simple projects (for example, a presentation or a short story with text and pictures).
    • Review of online security rules and working with personal data.


During the year, 30-32 lessons can be taught , which is equivalent to 1-2 lessons per week. This will give students the opportunity to consistently develop skills, improving their work with texts, graphics and programming basics, and maintain their interest in information technology.